Padilla, Tillis, Smith, Ernst Launch Bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus

WATCH: Senators Padilla, Tillis, Smith join mental health advocates to launch Senate Mental Health Caucus

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) announced the launch of their bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus. Daniel Gillison, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Laurel Stine, Vice President of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), joined the Senators in announcing the launch. U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), John Fetterman (D-Pa.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) are also members of the caucus.

Amidst a national mental health crisis, the Senate Mental Health Caucus will serve as a forum for Senators to collaborate on and promote bipartisan legislation and solutions, hold events to raise awareness of critical mental health issues, and destigmatize mental health. The caucus will work to improve prevention and early intervention efforts, expand the country’s mental health professional workforce, enhance our nation’s crisis response services, and increase access to evidence-based mental health treatment and common-sense solutions for all Americans.

“Our nation has long faced mounting mental health challenges that have touched the lives of all Americans, but we know there are bipartisan solutions to address this crisis in reach,” said Senator Padilla. “People are finally beginning to realize the scale of our mental health crisis — and the wall of stigma that prevents too many from getting help is starting to come down. Now we need to ensure there are resources ready to get Americans the help that they need. I’m proud to announce this bipartisan caucus alongside Senators Tillis, Smith, and Ernst, so that we can come together to find help and solutions for the millions of Americans who may be suffering in silence.”

“Our country is experiencing a mental health crisis, from children to adolescents to older adults, and it’s past time for us to prioritize mental health care. That is why I have worked on a bipartisan basis to expand access to evidence-based mental health care for all Americans, including the creation of the 988 Suicide Hotline, to writing and passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that marked the largest investment in community-based mental health and substance use care in American history,” said Senator Tillis. “However the work is not done, and I am honored to be joining Senator Padilla in establishing the Senate Mental Health Caucus, where we can discuss, advocate for, and support the continued investment in mental health care. I am hopeful together we can work to raise awareness, expand education, and continue destigmatizing mental health care for Americans nationwide.” 

“I believe that everyone should have access to quality mental health care, regardless of insurance, ZIP code, or age,” said Senator Smith. “Mental health care isn’t a partisan issue – it’s something that affects Americans in red states and blue states alike. Today’s launch represents a renewed commitment and focus to collaborate on bipartisan legislation and solutions. I’m looking forward to working alongside my colleagues to continue to tackle the mental health care crisis in this country.”

“I’m honored to join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to raise awareness and reduce stigma about mental health, so folks can receive the support they deserve. Together, we will work to improve care for mental health issues on behalf of our Iowa veterans, farmers, and families and improve the health of all Americans,” said Senator Ernst. 

“Mental health is the bipartisan issue of our time, and it is inspiring to see the establishment of the bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus,” said NAMI Chief Executive Officer Daniel H. Gillison, Jr. “NAMI is grateful to Senators Padilla, Tillis, Ernst and Smith for their leadership on mental health. We’re excited to collaborate with the new caucus to build better lives for all people affected by mental health conditions.”

“The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) thanks Senators Alex Padilla, Thom Tillis, Tina Smith, and Joni Ernst for their leadership in launching the bipartisan Senate Mental Health Caucus,” said Laurel Stine, J.D., M.A., Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “The launch of the Senate Mental Health Caucus comes at a critical time as our nation faces a mental health crisis that affects people across the lifespan, with suicide being the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. AFSP looks forward to working with the Caucus to raise awareness of mental health issues, promote bipartisan policy solutions, and help reduce stigma to improve mental health and prevent suicide.”

In recent years, Congress has worked on a bipartisan basis to implement crucial mental health services, including through establishing the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, permanently expanding the successful Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration program, expanding access to suicide prevention programs for veterans, and building out the infrastructure for mental health in K-12 school settings. Last year, Congress also took a historic step forward with the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which includes major investments in community-based mental health services. The Senate Mental Health Caucus will work to ensure those investments are effective and improve the lives of American families as they work to build on this historic bipartisan legislation.

Senator Padilla has been a strong advocate for expanding mental health care access, especially for underserved communities. Earlier this year, Padilla introduced a trio of bills recognizing the unique mental health needs of military children, Latinos, and farm workers. He introduced the Supporting Mental Health for Military Children Act of 2023 to ensure that children of military families — who are at a high risk for mental and behavioral health problems — have access to mental health screenings and check-ups. During National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Padilla announced the Mental Health for Latinos Act to improve mental health outcomes and decrease stigma among Latino and Hispanic communities. He also recently introduced the Supporting Farm Workers’ Mental Health Act to improve peer-to-peer mental health services for our farm workers.

The full mission statement of the Senate Mental Health Caucus is available here.

A recording of the press conference is available here.

Additional photos from the press conference are available here.


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