Padilla Statement on Vote to Ban Bump Stocks

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) issued the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked a vote on the BUMP Act to reimplement the ban on bump stocks:

“Once again, Senate Republicans have shown the country that they stand firmly in the pocket of the gun lobby over protecting American lives. As the gun violence epidemic continues to tear families apart, Senate Republicans have inexplicably landed to the right of even Donald Trump today by refusing to reimplement the bump stock rule set under the Trump Administration. A rifle equipped with a bump stock functions as a machine gun and the device enabled the deadliest shooting in our nation’s history in Las Vegas.  

“No one needs a weapon that can fire up to 800 rounds per minute. And I won’t stop fighting for commonsense legislation that honors our commitment to safety for Californians and all Americans.”


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