Padilla Statement On Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) released the following statement on President Biden’s announcement of a bipartisan deal on critical infrastructure needs: 

“I’m encouraged by the progress made with the bipartisan infrastructure deal announced today, but by itself, it does not meet all the critical infrastructure needs of the country.

“Today’s bipartisan proposal is historic. We need to invest in our roads and transit systems, in the resiliency of our electric grid, expand and upgrade broadband, and improve our water systems.

“But our human infrastructure needs are equally important — tackling the climate crisis, fixing our broken immigration system, and investing in our care economy. And the financial burden must not be placed on the middle class — multinational corporations and the wealthiest Americans must pay their fair share.

“I fully expect the bipartisan proposal and a larger reconciliation bill to move together. The American people deserve nothing less.”

