Padilla Statement on Anniversary of January 6 Insurrection

On the one year anniversary of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) released the following statement:

“One year ago today, our democracy experienced a crisis. Armed rioters stormed the U. S. Capitol and threatened the lives of Capitol Police officers, members of Congress, and staff. Waving symbols of hate and white supremacy, they disrupted Congress and turned our nation’s peaceful transfer of power into a deadly insurrection. It was a testament of the resilience of our democracy that despite the events of the day, the House and Senate resumed their work and certified the election.

“I was sworn into the Senate days later after serving for six years as California’s Chief Election Officer. I was on the front lines in the effort against the dangerous spread of election disinformation, from the birther conspiracy to Trump’s lies about vote counts in 2016 – and again in the 2020 election.  

“Sadly, what should have been a moment of reckoning and urgent action never materialized. Instead, in the months that followed, Republican governors and legislators in state after state worked to pass new voter suppression laws to undermine free and fair elections. Meanwhile, Republican Senators continue to abuse the filibuster to obstruct every attempt to protect voting rights.  It’s because of this blanket refusal to do what’s right that one year after the insurrection, our democracy is still in crisis.

“One year ago today, hundreds of Capitol Police officers put their lives on the line to protect our democracy. They bear the physical and mental scars of that day. We have praised them in speeches and awarded them medals, but to truly honor their service and sacrifice, we must renew our own commitment to defend our democracy. We swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that oath rises above any Senate rule.

“I urge my colleagues to join me in fulfilling our highest duty as United States Senators. We must reform Senate rules and pass voting rights legislation. Our democracy and future generations deserve nothing less.”

Padilla joined Leader Schumer this week to renew Senate Democrats’ push for voting rights legislation and highlight the insidious impact the ‘Big Lie’ had leading up to the January 6 insurrection. 

