Padilla Secures Over $3 Million for 3 Projects in Wine Country

Funding will improve water quality, upgrade transit infrastructure, provide social support services, and expand educational programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) announced that he secured $3.7 million in federal funding for three projects across Wine Country in the bipartisan FY 2023 appropriations package. The bill now heads to both chambers of Congress for final passage and then on to the President to be signed into law.

“I am proud to have secured funding for projects in Wine Country to prevent future wildfires, improve water treatment systems, and address the homelessness crisis,” Senator Padilla said. “This funding will provide support to some of the region’s most vulnerable residents and keep communities and businesses safer from wildfires.”

Projects in and around Wine Country that will receive federal funding through the FY 2023 Appropriations Omnibus include:

  • $1.5 million for the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation for Hazardous Fuel Breaks
    This funding will support the reduction of hazardous fuels, such as vegetation, along a strategic fuel break of local roads and the Hogback Ridge to protect homes, wineries, retirement facilities, and other businesses in unincorporated Napa County.
  • $1.45 million for Wastewater Pipeline Design and Preconstruction in Sonoma County
    This funding will help construct a wastewater pipeline from Occidental County Sanitation District to the Graton Community Services District for treatment, reuse, and disposal. Currently, Occidental must haul wastewater in large trucks over winding rural roads to a treatment plant 20 miles away. Once the pipeline is constructed, regular wastewater hauling will end, significantly reducing threats to water quality in Atascadero, Green Valley, and Dutch Bill creeks in Sonoma County.
  • $750,000 for the City of Napa’s Intensive and Permanent Mental Health Housing Project
    This project will expand an existing service and housing model to create opportunities for individuals currently experiencing chronic homelessness with significant supportive services to address co-occurring mental health and substance abuse needs. 

A full summary of the FY 2023 Appropriations Omnibus package is available here.


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