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Padilla on CNN: American Rescue Plan is the Comprehensive, Bold Action We Need

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) joined Abby Phillips on CNN’s Inside Politics Sunday to discuss the passage of the American Rescue Plan, a comprehensive package that will deliver urgent COVID-19 relief to Californians and people across the nation.

“The bottom line is this: this is a huge deal, as you just mentioned, tremendous amounts of resources that are now closer to being on the way to families through direct assistance, to families through the expansion of childcare–child tax credits, to small businesses and not just school districts with state and local governments whose budgets have been devastated by the economy because of COVID, and of course, huge infusions to expand vaccine programs, testing and tracing programs. This is the type of comprehensive, bold action that we’ve been needing since the beginning of the pandemic and we’re finally moving on it now,” said Senator Alex Padilla.

To view key Padilla-Phillips exchange, click here.

To view the full interview, click here.

