Padilla Calls for Swift Action to Evacuate Americans, Afghan Allies from Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif) released the following statement on the current events in Afghanistan:

“As the situation in Afghanistan continues to unfold, the United Sates must move swiftly to safely evacuate Americans, our Afghan allies and the most vulnerable populations, including women and children. I urge the Biden Administration to create a humanitarian parole category for Afghan women and girls, human rights leaders, journalists and others who face retaliation from the Taliban.

“We also have a moral obligation to stand with those who stood side-by-side with U.S. troops and assisted in our efforts on the ground in Afghanistan over the last two decades. As I continue to monitor developments, my office will continue to work directly with the State Department to process SIV requests as expeditiously as possible.”

Padilla joined his colleagues today calling on the Departments of State and Homeland Security to take urgent measures to protect women and human rights defenders in Afghanistan who are facing urgent threats to their lives.

Padilla has been leading efforts in Congress to expedite the Afghan SIV process. Last month, the Senate unanimously passed a $2 billion spending bill that includes key provisions of Padilla and Cornyn’s HOPE for Afghan SIVs Act. The legislation will expedite the process for Afghan interpreters and translators who assisted U.S. troops during the War in Afghanistan to immigrate to the United States by waiving the requirement to undergo a medical exam for individuals who are otherwise eligible for special immigrant status under the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009

