Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to take classes if I serve during the school year?

Yes, during the academic sessions, Pages attend class in the Page dormitory at Webster Hall. A Page’s academic day begins at 6:15 a.m. and classes extend until 9:45 a.m. or one hour before the Senate convenes. The curriculum consists of English, mathematics, science and social studies. The Senate Page School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The Page School also offers a Field Studies program to ensure that Pages are exposed to many of the educational and cultural activities that Washington, D.C. offers.

Before completing your application, please communicate with your base school to determine how Page School academic credits will transfer if you are offered a page position.

Where do Pages live?

During the fall and spring sessions, Pages are required to live in the Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence, located two blocks from the Hart Senate Office Building. The cost of living in Daniel Webster Hall is $780 per month, plus a refundable $250 security deposit. Breakfast and dinner are provided for the Pages. The cost of rent and food is automatically deducted from the Page’s salary, which is paid on the basis of an annual salary of $25,605. Staff in Webster Hall includes a Program Director, Administrative Aide and four proctors, the latter of which reside in Webster Hall. United States Capitol Police maintain a 24-hour security desk and a provision that requires all individuals to present identification and all visitors to sign in.

During the summer sessions, Pages can request arrangements for alternate housing.