Padilla Statement on One-Year Anniversary of George Floyd’s Murder

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement marking the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd:

“One year ago today, a police officer murdered George Floyd while three of his colleagues looked on. I remember exactly where I was sitting when I first watched the sickening footage of George Floyd’s death, pinned under an officer’s knee. Like millions of Americans, I was filled with grief and outrage—at the loss of George Floyd’s precious life, and at the systemic inequalities that his death highlighted.

“Last month, Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted for George Floyd’s murder. But police accountability for disproportionate use of force against Black and Brown Americans still happens far too rarely. We must pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act in order to reform the system that led to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Adam Toledo, and too many more. Last summer, Americans rose up by the millions to demand real change. We can’t let their voices be silenced. We must stand united in calling for change.

“I join George Floyd’s community in honoring his life, and remain committed to passing the meaningful reforms that communities of color need.”

